Building relationships with our students and colleagues are THE most important work that we do as educators and leaders. Taking the time and energy to strengthen relationships with kids will help them grow to be better individuals and learners. Moreover, human connection is THE essential piece in LIFE, not just the field of education.
But, my caveat is this: Do not try to “manage” kids, but instead INVEST in them. When you invest in students and their interests, talents, and skill sets, your return on the investment will always be greater and more rewarding. Whether you are a kid or an adult, everyone wants to feel genuinely cared about. Therefore, you can never go wrong by devoting your spirit to those you serve.
Throughout the years of working with kids, here are some of the most meaningful pieces that I believe are crucial to enhancing the relationships that you create:
Be present
Greet and welcome every single student
Listen and value their different perspectives
Get to know more about their family, hobbies, and passions
Look at every student interaction with a non-judgemental lens
Let students start over with a fresh slate when mistakes happen
Never, ever give up on them
Show that you want to learn from them, too
Bring the strengths of every single student to the forefront
Empower students to lead and make a difference
Be true to you; It inspires kids to be true to themselves
Be fun; Never take yourself too seriously

Significant mention: When thinking of strengthening relationships with students, the above quote from the beloved Rita Pierson is the beacon of what we should all strive for. Even if you have already seen the TED Talk 1,000,000 times like me, share it with someone else to ignite the spark within them as well (Or watch it below!)
Whether you are reading this during your last few weeks of school, or next October, or in August of 2049- Relationships will always be paramount. Everything changes in life, but relationships are our constant. The year, the month, the season does not matter. What matters is that we never give up on our students and always find time to strengthen the connections we already have to help them become who they were destined to be.
The timing of this is so relevant as we near the end of our school year. As we have been reaching that saturation point with some of our students, we all need to step back occasionally and reflect on the value of relationships and our daily interactions with students. Being self-aware is an important first step and seeking not to identify what is “wrong” with our students but what is it that they need! Often what they need is adults in their lives who are supportive, patient, understanding and consistent!
Thanks so much for a great post and timely reminder.
You are very welcome, David. Thank you! I am grateful for your feedback and to have the chance to know that this post was able to impact you in such a positive way.
I love how you said we all need some time to step back and reflect. I could not agree more. I hope you have an outstanding rest of your school year!