4 Tips in Building Leader Efficiency: Spend Less Time on Paperwork & More Time Making a Difference

Drowning in paperwork and medial tasks can drown any administrator or leader if they are not careful. It is crucial, that through our hectic and important days, that we build ourselves for efficiency. Within this post, you will see ways to get the biggest bang for your buck, while gaining more of your sanity and happiness back! You will see and receive tips, tools, technology apps, and a multitude of resources I have created that have helped me, as a current administrator, spend more time on building relationships and making a difference, and less time on paperwork!

Tip 1: Spend your first hour, not responding e-mails, but doing your most important tasks

According to scientists, the first two hours of your day are the most important. Many of us, will head to work, and the first thing we do before students arrive is to catch-up on email. This habit is one of the hardest to break and most inefficient strategies to start your day. Your first few hours of work will be your best; You have the most brainpower and energy at these points. Instead of writing emails, do your most important tasks at the start of your day to make sure it gets done.

Tip 2: Use integrated tech tools to help your days go smoothly

We waste a lot of our time booking meetings and comparing calendars. We can better streamline this so we can spend more time being present in our building with staff and students, and less time worrying about comparing schedules. Use tech tools like YouCanBook.Me, Meeting Scheduler for Gmail, and/or using Google Calendar Appointment Slots. My favorite tech tool is YouCanBook.Me (I use the free version and still love it). Each staff member has my booking link and can book me anytime they want to discuss anything from teacher evaluation observations, brainstorming sessions, or just times to chat and reflect!

Tip 3: Ask for feedback from your colleagues, teachers, secretaries, and staff members to see what you can do better

Sometimes we are too focused on our already created routines, that we do not take a step back and think of ways to be more productive. I often stop myself and ask the people around me, colleagues, teachers, secretaries, staff members, and beyond, what I may be missing or how I can do any task or role better. Through putting myself out there, I receive so many ideas and tips that I would not have thought of otherwise. In turn, I then learn more about the wisdom and talents of others which helps me evolve and become more efficient.

Tip 4: Take out and adjust daily routines that are not working for you

Efficiency does not necessarily mean adding in one more thing to your routine that is better. Instead, what you need to do is to take out something in your routine that you are already doing that is not working for you or to completely adjust something you are already doing. To do this though, you must be reflective in your actions. To illustrate this, I once created Google Forms to track my communication logs with families. I thought by making the logs digital; it would save me more time. But, it turns out that after a few months of tweaking the form and adding in tech extensions, that it still was not working for me. Therefore, I adjusted the routine and created a folder system that was incredibly accessible and made more sense to me personally. Technology is not always the answer, but moreover, no matter what resource or strategy you use, it has to feel right for you. Do not feel bad switching things up and starting over. Change and adaptation is part of the learning journey in all aspects of life.

Closing Thoughts

By being more reflective and efficient, you will have more time to greet your colleagues, students, and families, to further strengthen relationships, and to gain a pulse of your building. Share on X

Efficiency for efficiency sake is not the answer. Instead, by being more reflective and efficient, you will have more time to greet your colleagues, students, and families, to further strengthen relationships, and to gain a pulse of your building. Although paperwork and essential office tasks will always exist, if we are more mindful of how we address these items, we can spend more time creating meaning and happiness within our days, and the days of others!

What tips, tools, ideas, or resources do you use as a leader to make the most of your productivity? Share them below!

Do you like what you are reading? My upcoming book, Unleash Talent, will be released THIS SUMMER by IMpress and DBC (Dave Burgess Publishing), Inc. Before the book is released, stay tuned for future blog posts to get more sneak peeks of ideas within my book.

When my book is released, I will share more information here regarding book resources, materials, book study information, and where to purchase my book. #UnleashTalent