Why Contentment is a GOOD Thing

Earlier this month, I read these thoughts aloud here.

Throughout our lives, we are pushed each day to be busy, to want nicer things, and to always seek greener pastures.

Once we get what we want, we are unsatisfied because we learn there is something even better out there. There’s always a nicer car, bigger house, and prettier shoes out there in comparison to what we have.

Society can pressure us to feel that if we are not up to par with the Jones’, and what they seemingly have on the outside, that we are failing.

The truth is we all need a wake-up call. We need to shift our viewpoint a bit. It is important we realize that it is okay to be content. Contentment should be the goal, not the state of mind we avoid. This does not mean we should not grow, but this does mean we should grow in the right ways for the right reasons.

Contentment is defined as: “a state of happiness and satisfaction.”

Contentment is NOT settling. Contentment is not wanting less for yourself. Contentment IS being happy and blessed for what you do have, rather than always wanting what you do not have.

Contentment IS being happy and blessed for what you do have, rather than always wanting what you do not have. Share on X

What if we spent more time pushing ourselves to find joy in the trials, rather than running from them? What if we began to refocus our expectation to put the people in our lives first over the things? What would happen if we all helped each other to find the happiness in the hurt rather than spending all of our time complaining and blaming?

If the “What If’s” above turned into the reality, I know we would feel more joy in our lives.

My wish for you is to find your contentment and help others do the same. Life is to be treasured, not to be wasted. Find the happy in today because each day is a day worth celebrating.

Bible verse to leave you with: “1 Timothy 6:6- Godliness with contentment is great gain.”